On April 11, 2022, the Livermore City Council completed the redistricting process by adopting ordinance 2133 to establish a new City Council district election boundary map. Livermore’s adopted ordinance does not affect the current City Council election sequencing; at the November 2022 elections, Livermore’s Districts 1 and 2 will be up for election to serve four-year terms and an at-large Mayor to serve a two-year term. In 2024, Livermore’s remaining Districts (3 and 4) will be up for election to serve four-year terms.
Learn more about the ordinance, selected map, and election sequence at DrawLivermore.org/Selected-Map.
While the redistricting process is complete, this site remains live to serve as an archive of the election changes, including the schedule, draft maps, and resources.
Every 10 years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. The City of Livermore is asking for your help to plan, draw and redivide new City districts.
The finalized maps that you will help us create will change how you elect your City Council Members for the next 10 years.
Our primary goal when drawing election districts is to draw lines that respect neighborhoods, history and geographical elements. So we want to know: What do you consider the boundaries of your neighborhood?
Share your specific thoughts, draw a map or attend an upcoming hearing to get involved.