The City of Livermore is hosting its third redistricting Public Hearing on February 14 at 7:05 p.m. via Zoom. During the hearing, the city’s demographic consultant will present draft district maps for review by City Council and the community. Residents can join the meeting by using the Zoom Webinar ID 852 4037 8357 or dialing in by phone at +1 669 900 6833.

The city encourages the Livermore community to participate and share their feedback on proposed draft maps. Before the hearing, the public is welcome to review the posted draft maps at

Residents can submit a public comment on proposed draft maps or provide any new or clarifying information on Communities of Interest to be shared at the upcoming hearing. Email your thoughts to or submit a form at Please submit your feedback by noon on February 14 to be included as a public comment during the third Public Hearing.

Livermore moved to by-district City Council Elections in 2018 and is undergoing the redistricting process to redraw district boundaries following the release of the 2020 census.

In October 2021, the city released Community of Interest (COI) forms and mapping tools for the public to describe and draw boundary lines. Mapping tools were made available online at, at the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall, the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce, and at redistricting kiosks at the Rincon, Civic Center, and Springtown libraries. Throughout the public map submittal period, the city received 17 drawn districting maps and numerous COI insights.

So far, Livermore has held two Public Hearings and one community workshop to provide information on the process, demonstrate how to use available mapping tools, and empower residents to share personal testimony on COIs.

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