To the extent practicable, in accordance with the FAIRMAPS Act (AB 849) and AB 1276, district lines will be adopted using the following criteria:
- Geographically contiguous districts. (Areas that meet only at the points of adjoining corners are not contiguous. Areas that are separated by water and not connected by a bridge, tunnel, or regular ferry service are not contiguous.)
- The geographic integrity of local neighborhoods or communities shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division. (A “community of interest” is a population that shares common social or economic interests that should be included within a single district for purposes of its effective and fair representation.)
- Easily identifiable boundaries that follow natural or artificial barriers (rivers, streets, highways, rail lines, etc.).
- Lines shall be drawn to encourage geographic compactness in a manner that nearby areas of population are not bypassed in favor of more distant populations.
- Boundaries shall not be drawn for purposes of favoring or discriminating against a political party.